Wednesday, August 22, 2018

No Nonsense Review: Fat Princess Fistful of Cake PSP

I first became aware of the Fat Princess games on the Vita, with a free download of Fat Princess Piece of Cake.

As you can see a game very much like Candy Crush only with more blood.

Well eventually I was able to get Fat Princess Fistful of Cake PSP

Which as you can see is more like a puzzle/ adventure game. In short, it's fun but also challenging I didn't realize at first that everything has to be completed within a limited amount of time. But also the gameplay isn't that obvious.

In fact here is what you must do in order to complete the very first level.

Phase 1 - Ugrade Warrior:
Once you spawn, pick up a warrior hat and go to the southern Tower. You need
this tower as it is the closest to the Metal. Once you've captured the tower,
wait for an enemy worker, kill it and get the worker hat.

Phase 2 - Switch to Advanced Warrior:
Unce you have 3 metal, go back to base and upgrade the warrior hat machine.
Switch to the advanced warrior as the charge attack will let you one hit kill
the archers that are protecting the Princess.

Phase 3 - Attack & Get Back Up:
Go towards the princess area. If you see any warriors, order them to FOLLOW.
There are two archers at the stairs going up to the prison area. Easy kills
with the advanced warrior charge. Two more archers in the prison area. Again,
easy kills.

Phase 4 - Rescue:
At the Princess area there are three cake slices. If you want to play it safe,
go feed two slices to the Blue Princess. Then take your own princess and run
back to base. WIN.

Call it a fun and challenging game that you need a guide to figure out what to do and with that I give it.

6/ 10