Tuesday, March 14, 2017

No Nonsense Review: Untold Legends Brotherhood of the Blade PSP

I admit I only paid $2.50 for this game and after a few minutes of actual gameplay I knew why it was so cheap. What Untold Legends is a top down view RPG, one where you micro manage your stats. With the one character you fight with, that should either excite you or not. Me it's not, I found the game confusing at times...as in WTF where do I go. The NPCs tell you the name of the area but not its exact location. That it is one game where you really have to level up, in fact the game tells you that repeatedly in the very 1st area. Another thing I didn't like was certain aspects in most RPGs are done automatically like picking up something. In this case dead enemies so you can level up, as well as other items you collect.

Speaking of areas, when something does open up, it doesn't mean you are leveled up enough to survive it. I accidentally went into a dungeon on my 1st playthrough and died fast. I still can't figure out why...but I did.

If this sounds good to you, give Untold Legends a try. Otherwise avoid this one.