Sunday, July 29, 2018

No Nonsense Review: Geronimo Stilton in The Kingdom of Fantasy PSP

What you are seeing is my own copy which I got eBay and shipped from England. In case anyone ever asks you, games from Europe do work on an American PSP. 

So who is this Geronimo Stilton and why does he have his own game? 

According to Wikipedia

In the series, the title character is a talking mouse who lives in New Mouse City on Mouse Island. A best-selling author, Geronimo Stilton works as a journalist and editor for the fictional newspaper The Rodent's Gazette. Has won Nobel prize two times.

He has a younger sister named Thea Stilton, a cousin named Trap Stilton, and a favorite little nephew, nine-year-old Benjamin Stilton. Geronimo is a nervous, mild-mannered mouse who would like nothing better than to live a quiet life, but he keeps getting involved in far-away adventures with Thea, Trap, and Benjamin, and sometimes Aunt Sweetfur. The books are written as though they are autobiographical adventure stories.

The work of an Italian author under a pseudonym, the series has become the most popular children's book series in Italy and the books have been translated into 35 languages.

Papercutz obtained the rights to publish English translations of the graphic novels of Geronimo Stilton. These retain some of the original names of the characters that were changed in the storybooks translated by Scholastic. For example, the English translations of the graphic novels by Papercutz continue to use the names "Patty Spring" and "Pandora", while the storybooks by Scholastic changed these names to Petunia Pretty Paws and Bugsy Wugsy, respectively.

...and he has his own site Geronimo

To the answer why 2 games, cashing in on his popularity. 

So how his the gameplay?

Although made for kids, it is a fun and utterly delightful game filled with puzzles, and mini-games. The writing and the voice acting are solid. It doesn't talk down to anyone and hell if someone like me loves this game, anyone of any age will be delighted by it. But not hardcore gamers.

Here is a trailer so you get a better understanding of the gameplay.

Fun fact in 2013 this game and it's sequel Geronimo Stilton and the Return to The Kingdom of Fantasy was available here in the US on PSN and still is. Although it is cheaper to actually get a physical copy from eBay than pay the $15 PSN wants, I paid $12.49 for my copy and that did include shipping. 

