Thursday, April 18, 2019

No Nonsense Review: Mega Minis 1 to 3 PSP

Released only in England? are collections of PSP Mini games.

Mini 1

Zombie Tycoon

Use zombies to destroy things not a very good game

Yeti Sports

Lamest mini-games that I ever played

Spot The Differences

What's different about 2 photos, and I thought I played some lame games before this.

Pinball Fantasies

A very average pinball game

Mini 2

Polar Puzzles

A simple yet fun puzzle game

Coconut Dodge

Items fall from the top of the screen and you try and catch them. It was done better on the Atari 2600.

Red Bull X-Fighters

One of the worse motorcycle games that I ever played.

Young Thor

The best game in the collection, a beat 'em up that is both simple and fun.

Mini 3

Arcade Airhockey & Bowling

Bowling is buggy it doesn't work, the air hockey game has lousy AI

Archibald's Adventures

Escape the maze mad scientist version stupid.

Break Quest

Breakout on the Atari 2600 is better

Who's That Flying?!

A side-scrolling shooter that is fantastic!