Wednesday, September 21, 2016

No Nonsense Review: Wall-E PSP

I will fully admit Wall-E is one of my favorite films, I have seen the film countless times and ready to see it again and again. But not the game...

Okay, I understand gaming companies having to adapt a film so it can be made into a game.

BUT...what they did with Wall-E, in my opinion, is ridiculous. It is mainly a collection game, but then placing those items in next to impossible locations. Some I fully admit I can not get to. Makes the game extremely frustrating, even more so in later levels. Where you have to complete a series of tasks. I really mean it when I say you have to watch YouTube figure out what to do. Because the game never tells you what you have to do, let alone in what order.

You want a movie tie game for your collection, fine get it. But to play must love torture.