Monday, June 12, 2017
The Current State of PSP DLC
Ever since I posted the original article on PSP DLC, things have changed dramatically. Frankly a lot of DLC I referred to is no longer there. A lot of really good DLC at that including that patch for Little Big Planet PSP. From what I heard if and I do mean if you can't finish the game because of a glitch you can blame Sony for the reason that patch is no longer available. The same with quite a few DLC, I wish things looked better but the truth is they aren't and prospects are going to get worse. Take some of the DLC I have I know I could make some of it available for download. But the real problem is once it was installed on that memory stick. It can only be played using that same memory stick, Sony made sure of that. I should know I tried using different memory sticks. So all I can suggest for now is seek out used Memory Sticks, and hope to find DLC. An update on the list will come soon.