Saturday, October 31, 2020

Super Mario 64 Ported to Vita, PSP, PS2, PS3 and PS4!

Yes, you read right... Super Mario 64 has been ported to the Vita, PSP, PS2, PS3 and PS4 (not to be confused with emulated)! You will need to build your own copy of the game using your own legitimately obtained N64 Rom.Super Mario 64 is arguably one of the greatest video games of all time, and certainly one of the most significant releases of it's time. Personally, I remember having my parents drop me off at Toys 'R' Us for hours at a time, just so that I could sample a little of this incredible 3D platformer on the demo-kiosk before it was officially released to the public. I will never forget when Babbage's called me three days prior to the release of the Nintendo 64, and said I could come pick up my console and copy of Super Mario 64 that day. I spent countless hours mastering the controls, obtaining all 120 stars, and just enjoying the beautifully created worlds.

Fast forward 24 years later, and the game is still getting lots of attention; both from Nintendo with the rumored release of Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo Switch (which I will definitely be purchasing day one, and seeing if I can jump to top of the castle with 0 stars), and also from the underground scene communities. As many of you probably already know, developers have been hard at work reverse engineering the game to create a de-complied source code, which led to the recent release of the PC port of Super Mario 64. And now thanks to the advancements of the various PlayStation scenes, we now have a ports playable on PS Vita, PS TV, PSP, PS2, PS3 and PS4.

You might ask yourself, "Why would I care about a port of a game I can already play through an emulator?" Well, for starters, being a port there is a much more room for upgrades and modifications. For example, there has already been a release of Super Luigi 64 to the Vita, which replaces Mario with a developer created Luigi model as well as changes the text in various scenes, so you can now enjoy the whole game as the other brother. And this is just the beginning... who knows what else we will see in the future.

As for other ports coming soon, we will have to wait and see what time brings us. Now there is a port playable on every PlayStation console with the exception of the PS1. There is just no telling where this game will pop up next. We have already seen the game popping up on MS-DOS, Android, Dreamcast and even Xbox.