Saturday, August 17, 2019

No Nonsense Review: Corpse Party PSP

Corpse Party actually surprised me as this is unlike any other game that I ever played, and I really mean that. You start out with a bunch of High School kids suddenly hit with an Earthquake while still at school and the next thing they know 2 of them are in the Elementary school of the Dead and that your somewhere in limbo. Your goal is to get the HELL out of there. There isn't a lot of action more looking around for clues that will help you escape. I used a walkthrough for 2 reasons #1 Not wanting a bad ending and #2 Because I had no idea what to do. That is the biggest fault of the game it gives you no clues only vague directions where to go. Even the walkthrough makes it very clear not hit certain points within the game YOU WILL GET THE BAD ENDING!!!

Overall the game is interesting, and the overall the gameplay isn't bad. I really feel this is more or less what the Scooby Doo games should be like, rather than what we got.

My overall score is 9/ 10