Friday, August 9, 2019

Software Review: My Spanish Coach

I kid you not I did not even know about this until less than 10 days ago when I was going through a list of PSP games I should either buy or download. I decided to buy a copy because this is so unique, although not that expensive I paid around $7 for a complete copy on eBay including shipping. Even for a complete novice like me, My Spanish Coach is on par with mobile language learning apps such as Duolingo. You get to both see and hear the words then be tested on them until hopefully, it sinks in. But you can redo any lesson at any time, as long as you unlocked it, and that depends on your skill. Exactly like it is on Duolingo. Speaking of which you quickly get which words your not getting and can do independent study.

I give this software a 10 out of 10 for both ease of use and of how each lesson is presented more like a game rather than what you get with educational software.  

I did forget something this software is compatible with a PSP headset which the software uses to help the user to speak the words correctly. I didn't even this existed until I found the following on Amazon today for $40 I am sure there have to be cheaper ones out there.