Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A PSP Cheat Device That Actually Works

This whole thing actually came about when I saw this disc on eBay for $5, after trying 2 different attempts namely Gameshark and Action Replay I wanted to see what I actually would get. When this arrived in the mail yesterday I admit I was a bit nervous to install this, because as you can clearly see no manufacturer is listed on the disc. I have a Vista laptop that I knew would work better with Win 2000 programs, and I admit I thought this could hide a virus. I will fully admit it took me 8 attempts at installing this, but what I found both delighted and very much surprised me.

It seems Pro Media Director was made by now-defunct Pelican Accessories back in 2005. Besides the software, it installed 507 Game Saves on that PC, for 129 games that I could transfer to my PSP. I am happy to say I had zero issues with firmware and the most amazing thing it worked, it even detected the saves already on that Memory Stick. The games, all the ones I tested not a single one had issues with those save files, and best of all the modded save files opened up areas in games I thought were impossible to open. For example, one save opened up all the tracks and cars in Ridge Racer PSP.

Now for something that still has me stunned it was in an effort to find anything on Pelican and it's Codebreakers brand that I came across Codetwink I am not sure of the people behind this as I could find nothing. But on the site, they not only have the saves but ones for games that the software did not include. A bit of warning you need to Pro Media Director software to convert these files into ones the PSP can read as game save data.

But I am very happy this worked and over time I will check how many other games I can download saves.